About Cat Lazaroff
I’m Cat Lazaroff
I’ve spent most of my career in white-dominated, mission-driven nonprofits, so I started where many white folks start: well-intentioned, but basically ignorant of my own biases and of the culture of structural racism, sexism, and other inequities that we’re all swimming in.
Over the past dozen years, with the help of patient and forgiving mentors and accountability partners, I’ve learned to live by the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) — and to help others do the same.

This work is hard.
But it’s essential — not just to building a more equitable society, but to individuals seeking to become better leaders, colleagues, and allies. I’ve been through all of the stages that most folks encounter on such a journey:
And, finally, responsibility — and joy.

“Every organization I’ve ever been in could have benefitted from this. Cat has helped us make the connections between what’s going on in the world, and what’s going on here, on the ground, in our own organization.”
Leaning into equity made me a better leader, colleague, and community member. Today, that experience guides me as I support others who are facing tough conversations with colleagues, managers, and even family and friends, as they learn and grow toward justice.
Why a white consultant? Before I launched my own DEIJ consultancy, I spoke with a variety of consultants from a variety of cultures — Black, White, Latina, South Asian — and asked them one important question:
When you think of your toughest clients, what’s one thing you wish they’d done before they worked with you?
Their answers shaped my focus: I help white folks like me to understand their own biases, fears, triggers, and barriers, and to develop the empathy and self-reflection they’ll need to become more equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist.

Culture shift takes time. From the outset, I had the privilege of experiencing personal growth even as I worked to change the culture of the organization I served. I learned that true organizational culture shift comes not only from updating policies, procedures, and practices. True culture shift comes from staff members investing in the process and examining their understanding of the world. While the journey takes a lifetime, the rewards start right away for individuals, organizations, and the communities they serve. Leaning into equity multiplies the impact of your work and builds resilience into your organization’s DNA.
We all need support. Good intentions aren’t enough; we all have to put in the work. I’m grateful to the community I’ve found — and built — that helps me center diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in my life and my work. And I’m so grateful to be a part of supporting so many others in their own journeys. It’s wonderful to meet you all.